
a day's work

was like any other day.
it started the same.
and it's gonna end the same
all in a day's work.

i actually woke up early today, thanks to Mr. Pager in alarm mode.
So, i got up, and decided, ya know, i'm gonna just mosey on along to wake-up mode...
showered, and got ready, and got a work page. kept on preparing to head on to work, and then answered the page. all good, all fun.

listened to BumPod and Rent this morning, just as I did last night prior to going to sleep. I actually liked it, but haven't heard it all. anyway, got to work, and as usual, hit the ground running. answered emails, voicemails, pages, and text messages...hopped onto closing paperwork and listening to people...i swear, at times, i wish we had a couch in the office. either to listen to others or for me to just shut everyone out. ha ha.

i stayed til about 18:45 and finished up the rest of my work so i didn't have as much to do tomorrow...that and i just wanted to help Pepe out. After work, I went to Target, got some furniture, but also picked up The Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons. I'll have to watch that sometime this week.

After Target, I got a quick snack at McDonalds before heading over to Molly's and catch up with Cindy and Amber. Mikey was there, and so was Pepe. Player came by shortly afterwards, and then Cindy and Danny arrived, followed by Sandy. We chatted and chatted, ate dinner, and chatted s'more.

I'd gotten home around 23:15, checked work email, checked ebay, and the usual litany of websites, and now here i am, blogging. i actually saw a billboard sign last night coming back home from school, and it had mentioned blogging, with the letter 'o' being the AT&T symbol. hmm.

That's been the day at the end of the day. nothing too exciting, but it was a fun night.


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