
NBA All-Star Weekend pt 1 - work

This weekend, I volunteered at the NBA All-Star Game "FanFest" at the GRB.
My shift was from 9am to 1pm, and given the drive and the weather, i actually woke up earlier than my alarm clock a second day in a row. Got there on time, and it was freaking cold. Basically, went there, helped the team set-up in preparation for the guests who would be attending.

Now, true to usual form, I have to admit, our team lead was darn cute. She looked a lil older, late 20s-early 30s, but yeah. cute. and no ring. *lol* Bum = incorrigible.

Anyway, so after setting up and splitting up tasks, we started handing off NASA antenna balls to the guests who'd walk by. Television crews would come by and film as we did this, but we kept on. One of the guys during my shift, I already knew...but the others were new, and it was a very fun morning.

Now, what made it even more interesting is that,...granted, i am very social. I was dancing near our area (but BumPod was left at home)... they had some loud hiphop next to us, so yeah, i was in the beat :)
so, hiphop and antenna ball handing-out.

And then, as i am easily amused, sociable, and what-not, i got my new task. it was a mix of me volunteering out of interest and curiousity, and being volunteered cuz no one else might have wanted to. What tasks? well... pictures were takenfor proof. ha ha. fun fun...


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