
an end to a week, 2-17-06

i knew it would be a day that would never have a dull moment.
wasn't far off from the truth, really. as late as i went to sleep last night, like, maybe around 3:30am, i'd chatted with two of my cousins, and also Tere and Toni. woke up before the alarm clock, and just laid there staring. closed my eyes again because somehow, i was clutching onto a pleasant dream i can't recall anymore.

beep beep. hmm? beep beep. ah. a pager. beeping. which means, a page. so, i look at it, thinking, how long had it been since i was paged? 2 minutes. i respond to the page, but no avail, so i left a voicemail message for the manager at USA. i'm guessng i just laid down there staring at the ceiling again, and then beep beep. beep beep. so, i called again, and got word that the stuff we wanted in Florida arrived safe and sound. wonderful news!

so, with that, got up, sent an email, took a shower and got ready for work. i remembered i had a meeting with a director today, though not sure on the time, and if it would even take place. needless to say, i didn't dress up for it. if at all, it was pretty casual. jeans and a budweiser shirt with penguins. dooby dooby doooooo...

hit the track running, replied to emails, reviewed some paperwork, picked up my badge to volunteer to Saturday's NBA All-Star Jam, then headed back to the office. went to take a quick lunch, met with the director, and learned i was still gainfully employed. not too shabby, i'm finally and officially an Engineer III, or one with 5+ yrs experience. more for bragging rights, really... i looked at the sheet they gave me and i was like, huh. i actually have been working here for this long and have had some of those skills for 5...up to 11+ years... how rare.

and, what was to be a nice quiet afternoon had its usual issues, and, we figured them out as a team. always good, but even better when you know you're down to the wire and it looks like it won't get pulled off, and...the team pulls it together and gets it done. awesome how it works out.

Rest of the day was just review, review, review. There were so many options on what to do for the friday, where to go, who to see, and ...well... it felt like Thanksgiving all over again how so? i was home alone during thanksgiving. parents were gone back then, and i got invites from everybody. ended up cooking chicken tenders, green beans, corn, and macaroni and cheese... anyway, for tonight, opted to stay closer to home afterall. but that's another story. as it is, today was a very nice day... a very nice day.


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