
I am from the Procrasti Nation

ha ha.
so...tonight, i said, i'm going to finally do my article report for class.
it only had to be about a page or two, double-spaced. We had to choose topics for class, and I chose "Does Might Make Right?" My political views aren't exactly the best in the world, but to me, politics is much akin to religion in that it's a way of thinking, and it's personal. While I can't honestly say mine is more right than another's and vice versa, it's the common ground that we all strive for, or should try to.

But, i digress. We had to find a magazine article based on our topic, read and then summarize the article in a paragraph, and then provide our eval. and opinion of the article.

I found one in Newsweek pertaining to extending Presidential Powers, and if it's right. Me? I agree to an extent. Privacy is one thing, but i'd rather feel secure.

anyway, got that one out of the way, i just hope i did it right. argh. :) the prof. said it's a pass or fail. either a 100, or ...well, i dunno. he said we could make up if we lost any points, but ick, who wants to go through that trouble, right?

anyway, aside from doing the report, we have to stand in front of the class, or whereever we feel most confortable and present our report to the rest of the class. while i have no issues doing that, i'm sure there'll be a lot of differing opinions. fun fun, i'm sure. :)


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