

BumPod - same amt, but will add about 15 more new ones
work - usual, supported a mtg, scared the bejesus out of JC as usual, same old
school - participated in class discussions, should classmates and instructor pics from BumPod pertanng to greek architecture

chatted with old friend Ms Toni M. I can't believe Aidan is 2 now. Ha ha, and I was just talking with someone about Toni just recently too. Basically, when we went to meet Gene Kranz in person and he autographed several items for us.

there's a new fish for me to take care of, ... i named it "jello". no idea why, but that was the first name that came to mind, so... i'm sticking to it. the other fish is still swimming happily and has me trained. when he's hungry, he's more than happy to tell me.

match.com status - viewed 35 times, 1 wink. ha ha. Cindy said that it must be one special wink.

i'll say... cuz no one else has since, and that one doesn't -really- count.

3/17 - although this revise is coming the day later, i'm treating it as if i still posted it last night...i was sure then that friday would have its own personality. oddly enough, i was right. pleasantly happy...