
Whoop! - Part Two

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After the Dry-Bean Saloon, we went outside and watched a girl dunk her ring. Tradition states that you earn the right to wear your ring by dunking it in a pitcher of beer, trying to drink to your ring out of the pitcher in as many seconds as your class year. For example, I'm class of 1999 so I try to drink it in 99 seconds. You catch the ring in your teeth and you have earned your ring. Dearest KC convinced me to do this back in November 1997... 38 or so seconds later, I earned mine. After that, we said goodbye to Nate the Mate, and we drove on back to Houston.
Well, KC did. I just sat in the backseat grinning stupidly.

One thing I really need to stop doing is while tipsy or borderline drunk, to call or leave voicemail for friends. Aside from making up some entertaining ones, some potentially have the makings of me getting into trouble. Not the BAD sort, but just the ones where... when I'm not as tipsy, I'd have some explaining to do. All in all, I had a great deal of fun this Saturday.


Blogger cedia said...

that's a bad thing you do, bum, using the phone while you're drunk. it's just as bad as driving drunk.

my drunk friend called the boss one night and left a nasty message. the next morning boss comes to her house with a present, which she never does, and a birthday card with some man waiting at the unemployment line.

she got so freaked. boss was playing with her. boss is pretty cool with all of us. til this day my friends still doesn't remember what she said.

with that, i bid thee beware.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Bum said...

Awww. Advice noted. It's always been more tipsy than anything. Some of the time, I can vaguely remember saying things, though. The type that would get me in trouble is if it's someone I liked, but never really told them. Yeah... i am beginning to remember doing that recently...

that and i don't have my boss' number in my phonelist. :)

10:12 PM  

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