
Whoop! - Part One

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Yesterday, I went up to College Station with my best friend, KC, and her other half, Colin. We've actually known each other for 7+ years now and her family's like my extended family... or at least I'm called 'The Celestial Son' by the 'rents. :)

We watched the TX A&M vs Wyoming game, which had a nice 31-0 Aggie victory ending to it all. I haven't been to a game since 1995 when I was still up at College Station that semester... and it's one of those moments in time that I've ended up repressing a lot of memories. Every now and then, a few neutral and good memories resurface. I can't tell you what I may have done last week, but I can pick out a rainy night when I ate at a certain place, wearing certain shoes, etc.

I'd called Nate the Mate and told him that I was in town for the game, and he met up with us at Double Dave's. We ate some pizza rolls, then mosied along to the Dixie Chicken. This place serves the most beer per square foot of any bar in the United States. http://www.dixiechicken.com/dixiechicken/dixie_about.html After a couple of Shiner's, we moved along to the Dry Bean Saloon and got a few shots. I still liked Sex with an Alligator, but they had a good number of other shots to choose from. One that caught my attention was the rattlesnake, not for its name, but for its contents. Kace said you either like Rumpleminze, or you don't... but it's almost like toothpaste-mint flavored alcohol. Well, I've gotta say, I fall under the 'I Like' category...


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