
Change of Philosophy

I'm sitting here, chatting with Cindy, and I read someone else's blog/journal from a mutual acquaintance. well, her friend, my acquaintance. we work for the same place, and he's recently turned in his resignation to take a higher paying job at a different company. well, teammate company.

apparently, he got his review and got his 'raise'. He wasn't to happy, and he was also being courted by the other company. he didn't give exact numbers, but it didn't seem cool on my side. basically, i don't mind other people's money. that's the bottomline. what i do care about is mine, and i've been shafted a few times in the industry, by what now seems to be two companies. how have i been shafted? ah, i could count the ways. but first, this guy... he expressed his dissatifaction on his raise, so they went back and said they'll see what more they can offer. he went back to the other company, and got them to up their offer, which is much bigger than his current company. so... the fact that the current company is willing to up the offer, that is what gets me. what the courting company is wishing to offer is external for that is no longer the case with me. but the current company is, and it ain't cool.

Friend in the same position told me we were not considered anything more than overachieving project engineers, which is why we aren't making as much as we should be. so, if i get this right, the extra responsibilities we have, the extra duties we perform, the extra stress we now have... we're going the extra mile but does not equate to extra pay. but, to somwhat compensate, he says, the company will add a little bit more to the percentage we would get as raises...

before you think i'm a greedy bastard, you have to realize... i used to think company loyalty. but when i got shafted once for overtime by the previous company, and the team morale at that time was low... i was not too happy. they needed volunteers to deliver something and they needed it ASAP. quicker was better. no takers. so i asked if OT was ok. it was. so, i volunteered. for shits and giggles. and a little spending money isn't too shabby. i get the hardware out in a week, along with working my projects and also doing console support. i fill in my timesheet and all was good. following monday, i got a call by the then manager telling me i had to adjust my hours, and it would end up my 10 hrs of OT would decrease to like...3. i pulled my supervisor, told him, that ain't cool. i was ok'd by my supervisor, and the customer was happy with my performance. he brought it up with the mgr, and still, i had to 'adjust' my hours.

i cursed for that. under my breath. curses are funny that way,... but i told my supervisor that morale was already low, they had issues getting volunteers, and that i already donated hours weekly, and the one time i wanted to get money for it, i got shafted... i was not happy.

new company, new time.
same old shit. i referred two of our teammates to the company. this was last year. we filled out the referral forms. this was like spring/early summer 05. i followed up with one of the admins 3 weeks later, they said the policies were not in place yet. ok. i'll wait. i checked in august. "what forms?" you lost the forms??? so, i sent an email to HR. no reply. september. no reply. fuck this. i email their dept. mgr in Nov. wondering wtf. the mgr is surprised, and gets her people to reply to me. i fill out the forms. again. and follow up. they process them. it's now Feb. fixing to be march. nothing yet. tomorrow, i will make it my mission to get the answer i want. same old shit.

raise? hmm. yeah. i am unhappy at that. i try my darndest to deliver hardware on-time or way ahead of schedule. any means necessary (as can be allowed). i have tried to mentor two new people. i've had to undergo a cross of sorts by listening to pessimism 95% of the week from someone. and i have to listen to EPO most of the week as well. i'm not superman. i'm human. and given my human nature, a simple "thank you" nor another piece of paper Acheivement Certificate just does NOT cut it anymore. I'm not bragging, simply stating the truth. When i first got my first two, three Certificates, they were great. but i can't even count or remember how many i have unless i physically count them. it's not i have 20+, but still. i think i actually have the highest total count in the group, but it doesn't put anything in the paycheck.

When I used to work for this Army Colonel and I was the office manager, he put me in charge of 4-6 people. he also told me that the reason why America was how it was labor-wise was because there was no loyalty to the company anymore. He said this because of one of the workers just having no motivation, etc. I took this lesson to heart, having dedication to the company. It's been shaken once, but rejuvenated temporarily. Unfortunately, that has slipped again. and frankly, it's irreparable. if it takes you to coerce me to deliver, if i don't deliver at all, fine. If i suck at my job, if i need more direction than is really needed, if i didn't do my job really, fine. but if i damn well, do it, don't do this shit. team morale is low. manager said i help bring team morale up. i can't do this forever.


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