

Posted by Hello

The internet's club, produce section of the supermarket, the new meeting place frontier.
It works for some, not for others. For me, eh, it's no different from 'real life'.
but that didn't stop me from doing a profile.

As of this post, apparently my profile's been viewed 14 times. No winks yet for the revamped profile. A wink is basically when ya say, Hey, how YOU doin'?" I send them, but have received only a few back. I'd redone the one i had from years ago and put in a bit better info, I guess.

Eh. I dunno if it ever works. However, I do know some folks who had met on the internet and have gotten married. Some are already celebrating between 1-8 yrs anniversaries with kids.
Eh. For me, and whenever Kerry was on, we'd critique them...this online beauty pageant of sorts. hm. weird.


Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I know if I hadn't already found my husband, I'd try a service like this. Why not? What would I have to lose? And it's a perk too that they match people up with stuff in common. Dates sure can suck when the two of you just sit there with absolutely nothing to talk about. I've been there before...ugh.

I think Memphis Steve is right though...you should give your friend in the drawing a go. You never know until you give it a shot...

4:51 AM  
Blogger Bum said...

as much as it'd be nice...
i think once upon a time, we decided to just be friends.
that and at that point in time several years ago, maybe even soulmates... just being able to read minds and such...or during long periods of absence, just pick up where we left off.

wishful thinking, but just doesn't feel meant to be in this dimension.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

That's a call only you can make, Bum.

If so inclined, keep us posted....;)

4:49 AM  

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