
Lab Talk with Smiley - Parentland

Every now and then, Smiley and I have the funniest conversations. Well, ok, it's every time. Basically, after each time, or each topic, we end up saying, Dude, that is gonna go on the blog. And yeah, it's a let-downer when it doesn't make it, so hopefully, memory serves me correctly. And the funny thing is, the shit we come up with is just...off the wall, some raunchy, some just so fucked up... ha ha...

"ok, so like... Russia is the Motherland, right?"
"And like... Germany is the Fatherland, right?"
"What other countries have that parental title?"
"ha ha ha ha"
"ha ha ha ha"
"ok, so I guess not. No other countries. Hmm. England?"
"so that makes all the other countries, kids"
"guess so"
*long pause*
(with a lisp) "oh hey, guysth, I'm Franth"


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