
Work Responsibility

Ok. so...
The manager was away on Friday.
The one I deem should be next in line was at home with his wife and new daughter.
And then there's Anastacia. She too was gone.

So... that makes me (somehow in this strange dimension) next in line to be manager.
HA HA! The mayhem I could cause! The parties we could...oh...wait... this is work.. the mayhem I could cause!!! Alas. None was to be caused.


Ah, to be the manager of.... yourself. how...exciting.

Anyways, aside from watching the UT/A&M game (ah, the perks of work), actually got some work done. Reduced my inbox from 400+ messages down to under 150 again. Did some presentations and another document. Reviewed some other stuff too... and then caled it a day.

Considering I was pretty much the last person there, except for one other person. Yep. 4pm, didn't have lunch yet... mMMmm...McRib sounded good, bishes! Mickey D's and McRib, here I ..... don't come.

Drove home, prepared some dinner for later that night, ate the remaining chicken tenders, and then watched Herbie Fully Loaded with Lindsay Lohan.

Supposedly she had a breast dehancement in that movie. Didn't really see any. Just right.

And as for the chicken tenders? It worked out. Usually, with turkey, you ate the leftovers for the next following days. The chicken tenders did a nice job standing in. And instead of stuffing? mmMmmmm....macaroni and cheese.

topped off with caffeine.

Life. is. good.

and then on Monday... back to normal. no mayhem caused. argh. :)


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