
holiday volunteer

today was a holiday from work.
so today, i did some volunteer work.
i also helped several families,
got a lot of exercise out of it,
and had some fun.

got volunteer hour credit for it.

saw Jules, and also an old classmate.
really weird when you run into the old classmates
sometimes, they've aged so much, it's like....wtf
sometimes, it's as if time stopped

also ... met a girl.
she went to my high school when i was still there.
somehow, she knew me, so i'm like... eh?

and she's cute. really cute.
did a double take.

i'm stupid and silly that way, yes,... but still.
it was a really long, didn't-sit-down-at-all, kept-on-walking, volunteer day.

saw grandma afterwards, then headed home to chill by around 7.


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