
Evil Eyes

I was reading Cin's updates and read something re: Sara Smiles. Now, Sara has this smile that can get you smiling even on the most god-awful fucked up day (and that in itself is a secret power), but she also has these evil eyes. Supposedly. It sometimes works. Sometimes. I say that because Sara can use those evil eyes on others and it can make them change their ways.

Smiley be my witness, but Lord knows, when she pulled the evil eyes on me...not once, not twice, but for the 10+ times... I can honestly say I haven't changed my ways, and worse... it made me smile. No, not to spite her, but you just have to imagine the situation. Here is an example.

Sara was working on something.
I'm by heart and nature one to play games now and then.

I'd go to her desk and mess with her. She'd take me seriously. I leave and go back dwn the hall. She'd realize I was joking. She gets up from her desk and walks down the hall. *TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP* Yes, Darling Sara wore these shoes that prevent her from being a ninja. But damn, she used that hallway like a runway cuz she always wore black, and she walked that hall to where I was with a vengeance.

"BUM!!!!" [evil stare]
"Yes Princess?" [as i smile back]
"I.....I....." [change from evil stare... to ummm....back to evil stare again]
"I hate you!" [evil stare returns, she stomps off back into the hallway, stops midway, turns (i swear, with a model's grace), looks, sees me looking back smiling, gives off a "grrrrr" look, mouths "I HATE YOU", then stomps back off to her desk]

Then Smiley and I would go back to what we were doing, and yes, truth be exposed, I'd say, "she's cute already, but she's just cute when she does that." Smiley would nod his head and smile.

So... I know sooner or later she'll read this, and she knows what I'm talking about.
And this is in rebuttal to Cindy's comment that the reason why asian guys have this guilty look or what not during Sara's evil stare is cuz they're cowards. And she admits it's a "harsh generalization". Indeed. Her evil eyes never got me to stop smoking. Or change my ways. Just got me to smile more again.

Sara Smiles, Darlin... the evil eyes won't work on me. Now... when she pouts... THAT is a whole different story. But then again, every now and then, a cute chic pouting works.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you've never seen my evil eyes b/c i rarely do the evil eye thing (evil looking girls = not so pretty girls).
i did not scare away the aZn boys w/ my evil eyes, it was my natural face that did it :o)
and yes i have given up on trying to get the guy to stop smoking... oh well, it was worth a try, you did a much better job than he did.

8:30 PM  

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