
An Actual Post

"What Did I Did?"

Well...today... woke up late. I usually catch up on sleep on the weekends, unless there's some specific "I need to wake up early" reason for a Saturday... which is usually reserved for working a MER shift, or going out with my woman. hah hah hah. Well, seeing as I have neither of these, i slept in.

Woke up, took a shower, got ready, and went with the folks to check out the Home and Interior Show at the Reliant Center. Not too shabby, there wasa good crowd there. Mom and Dad teamed up walking up and down the 'aisles', i guess you can call them, and i just walked around by myself, looking for anything interesting. Usually, it's not ALL just "how to clean your house", or Home Improvement stuff...and here, they also had some art items, etc etc.

Saw a few paintings that were really cool, and i'm actually itching to start painting and drawing again. It's been too long. I've got a woodburning project on hold...and not gonna finish it for another two weeks when i finally get an urge to just finish it up...shouldn't take too long...except for the fact that i stabbed myself with scissors. Don't laugh (too hard), and don't ask.

Finally walked from wall to wall of the building and decided to catch up with the 'rents. i'd told Ma to go on a lil shoppin spree, so she found a necklace, matching earrings, and a chain to go with them, and they match this hair clip she had, so that was cool. Also picked up a plant for my cousin Jo.

After the Home show, went and saw my cuz and her roommate, helped fix their place up a lil bit, hung up their paintings that they had bought, fixed a few things in their place, and yeah, stabbed myself with scissors... went out for dinner at a local Flip food place, then went back, chatted and fixed their place up a lil bit more, then headed for home.

It was raining and thundering and havin' a big lightning display a lil bit ago. Not much else in this highly exciting, unpredictable life. CinCity mentioned food places, and it hit me...I have to ask her but I'm wondering if one of the places she mentioned was close to this burrito place...

That and it's 2am, i'm thinking of ice cream. well, yeah... i figured when my cuz and her roommate were free, we'd all go out for ice cream. And last night, Cin also talked about ice cream. and earlier, my friend Les mentioned mint chocolate chip. Hrm.

and read a lil of The Historian again... a lil every night... not as quick a read at HP #6, but ah well.


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