
The Asian FOB

Ok, before I get started... if you didn't ever know... man, get off. heh. kididng.

how can I explain it,
i'll take you frame by frame it,
to have all y'all jumpin' shout and sayin it...
Fresh Off the Boat

Fresh Off the Boat. Usually spent formative years in an Asian society. Holds onto Asian values and attitudes. Limited influence by Western attitudes (except for shopping).

Personal Mantra:
"Everything Asian is far superior to everything Western."

Buzzwords/ Phrases:
"Are you (insert nationality here)?" "How come you don't speak (insert Asian language here)?"

Social Interactions:
Friends are all Asian. Has a "stick-together" mentality. Will hang out with someone solely because they're Asian even if they don't really like them

Thoughts on Lucy Liu:
"I secretly admire her, but publicly look down on her because she is not truly Asian."


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