
I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better. - 2005

1 year and 733 posts later....

Dear B-log,

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear b-log,
happy birthday to you.

and many more.

last year, i dunno how or why but i started this darndest thing. saw Garden State, which was pretty cool, and labeled the first post after a quote from the film...

"I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better. "

a year later... heh, i still like the quote. not that i'm into settling for being unimpressive, but just that i've come to an acceptance of terms. and i'll leave it at that.

Today was a cooler day at work. Granted, Hailz got a lot of stuff done in the lab and i helped out..but i swear...i shoulda worn jeans and a t-shirt instead of decent pants and a long-sleeved shirt...that was a lil rolled up anyways. That fashion statement brought to you by Pepsi with lime. heh. Aside from the lab, got a couple of other things done so it didn't feel as blah...although lunch was not until about 3:45 or 4pm today. not too shabby though.

Today was also Mom's bday, so we all had a pretty nice and quiet night at home.

Chatted with BabyG earlier, and then with CinCity. She's right... I need to make friends with penguins so they can log onto the blog from Antarctica so I can collect all the continents. Heh... hrm. wild. Penguins are cool. Still haven't seen the Penguin movie... shoot, i -STILL- haven't seen Batman, Fantastic Four, Stealth, or any of the movies I'd been wanting to see. blah. But, I was told that the penguin movie was a good date movie.
hmm. how rare. a penguin chic flic movie? hmm... hee hee.

ah well. ok...that's all for now.


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