
The bookstore

There's not much new in life right now other than work. In some cases, I guess it's sad cuz it's what I use for therapy or rather a way to just pass the time. I don't have much of anywhere to go afterwards, so aside from having stuff to do at work, I just as well stay late and get some stuff done. I haven't been a mallrat in a few years. Well, I guess a year since B. Dalton closed. Hannah worked there, and I'd come over, say hi, and see which book she'd recommend. She's probably the main reason why I've started reading books here and there again. Stupid story, but I've got time anyways...

I'd always gone to the mall just to walk around, check out the toy store, the CD stores, or whatever else... eat ice cream, watch people, and sit outside of Express. Express is right next to bath and Body works and the cute girls went there so I'd do my people watching there. The life of a teenaged mallrat. Some years had passed, and I'd still sometimes do that. But...

December 1999, we went to Disney world and actually celebrated the New Year's Eve in Orlando. At the Star Wars place, they had this book and action figure of C-3PO, but they were charging like 100+ for it. Anyway, maybe a couple of weeks after the trip, I went to the mall again, and it was late in the afternoon/early evening, I walked into B. Dalton and they had the same C-3PO book. So I went in, and was checking out the price and all when this cute girl asks if I needed some help. Hannah. She's real pretty. Had that girl next door quiet way about her.

So, we chatted a bit about Star Wars. She actually knew a good deal, and we'd chat s'more, and I evenutally got it. Wow... just thinking, it's been a lil over 5 yrs now. So yeah, I'd stop by and say Hi to Hannah, and we'd talk about whatever, from movies and work to books. She was in school to be a librarian, anyway. She'd recommend books she'd read, and I'd just as happily buy them and read. There was a time when her coworker recommended Terry Pratchett, and she recommended Terry Goodkind. I automatically said no to Terry Goodkind cuz another friend recommended it and I was just like... eh. no. But this is Hannah. I gave in and got Wizard's First Rule. Liked it enough that I got several more books to read. She also got me reading stuff by David Sedaris, who has a different but funny style. We'd compare stories about going to the nearby locale, listening to the live music and drinking a bottle of beer, or walking the boardwalk.

A funny thing is, I'd also used to check which Star Wars graphic novels had come out, and if they didn't have them, she'd go ahead and place them on order for me. I think we were on just first-name basis, cause I never knew her last name. The weird thing is, one time, they didn't have this book I wanted, so she asked if I wanted to get it ordered, and I said sure. So, we went to the front desk so she could place the order, and I'm like...
Hannah, don't you need my last name, phone number, or something? and she was like, No, it's ok, I've got it.
Hmm. Regular customer, I guess, but I just didn't expect her to just...know.

Last I heard, she'd moved to another state, and I think she's married now. Ah well. She got me reading again.


Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I like Terry Goodkind but personally think George Martin is better....Game of Thrones is an excellent series if you ever get bored and have nothing on your agenda.

It's nice when people recognize you when you think they don't "see" you.

I mean, sometimes you can talk to people damn near every day but they don't "see" you, you know what I mean? It's a big bonus if you think they're a cutie and they've taken notice of you...even if only for a little while....;)

5:29 AM  

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