
When it rains, he blogs... The PSP

Ok, so it's not really raining...just overcast.
But, I haven't blogged in a while other than posting some whatever filler stuff, and you don't get inside my head, so... here's some more.

Best Buy, whenever you take this online survey, asks "Do you keep up with the latest technology?" My response is...sometimes...but usually not until it is mainstream. But in the instance of Playstation's new Playstation Portable, aka the PSP... had to do it.

It came out this last Thursday, 3/24. I usually frequent the electronics boutique near work, see what games are coming out, etc. Doesn't hurt that the manager is cute. She asked if I was getting one, and I said, well...I'm not to into the Nintendo DS.. I don't like it at all. So that's when she brought up the PSP. I said I'd think about it before buying one or putting it on reserve. In the back of my mind though, usually when these things hit the street, it's always better to reserve one.

Per Sony, the initial release was 1 million copies for the US. I finally decided, yeah, I'll bite and pay to play. Though no one knows what happens after the first million, the first million copies had a full version of Spiderman-2. Yep, it's awesome. The screen is crisp as if watching it on a regular tv, but there it is... loud and in full color, in the palm of your hands.

Picking games is another thing. I usually get more sports games, and usually to hold me over, racing games. If you look at the games I've got for Xbox, you'd think I either owned stock in EA Sports, or have a thing for team/squad-basedmilitary killing machines. The PSP is due to get a good number of EA Sports games, and I can't wait for FIFA and whatever version of football they get,... but would also love to get some Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon in there as well.

For this time out though, I picked Ridge Racer. I got the last copy at another store cuz everyone else had gotten it or put it on reserve. The sound is awesome, and the graphics are way cool. Handling is pretty smooth as well. I know a lot of die-hards out there say Gran Turismo is much better, and graphically, won't argue. It's just that when I pick up a racing game, I don't want to bother with licenses. If and when Big Ern reads this, he might scoff/smirk, but

I just wanna drive, daddy!

The game is awesome.
Now...if only they'd come out with NASCAR...along with the squad games and other EA Sports... i'm good to go. Oh, and movies start coming out in April. :)


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