

I admit, I have an ad.
As I've mentioned earlier, my sign is Free, take one.

My friend Heather and I chatted a bit yesterday and today. In the process, I revised my ad on match.com. What used to be, hmm...i wonder if I'll get any views or winks (as they call them), or whatever,...to Eh, fuck it. Let me speak my mind. So, i revised my response as far as who I am and what I am looking for.

I laughed. Heather laughed too. In a span of hours, I actually got a 10% increase in people who viewed it.
Go figure. No responses, just views. But it's me, and how I would usually say what comes to mind.

And no, the chic from work that i saw on there still hasn't responded. Ah well.
As it is, I figured, ya know... what have I got to lose? So I made a profile on another place called catholicsingles.com

Yeah, it's part of my ideal, as far as, if I could pick... it'd be nice to have someone believe in a good deal of stuff the same way as I do. But it's wishful thinking, and that wishful thinking got me to start a profile on there too.
No idea what'll come of it, and chances are, nothing will. But at least it's out there.

Anyway, it's always been a cycle of where i'm content and not really. I'm slowly going back to content and saying eh, Fuck it, slowly. Besides, maybe if I weren't single, I'd have trouble getting a new grill.



Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I've been married almost 13 years and I STILL go thru that cycle of being content and then not being content. I don't think that EVER changes...:)

Hang in there Bum....you just never know...;)

6:14 AM  

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