
Sunday Afternoon

Alone. Listless. Breakfast table in an otherwise empty room.

That's what Pearl Jam said. What does Bum say?
Awake. Tired as hell. Floor is messy and I need to go and vacuum.

Woke up just a little before noon. Finished doing some receipts, though I haven't gotten to the previous week's. Shit, I've got....fuck it, lemme look right now... I got a hella lot of receipts, and though I only got a few movies and crap as of late, I have beengoing to starbucks and the smoothie king a good deal. But oh, the coffee flavored whatchamacallit at Smoothie King is so good. And Sonic Oreo blasts are too. But I digress. If at all, 3 people owe me drinks. I just as well should take them up on it.

Watched some of the race today.... every now and then, glance and see who's leading, who's crashing, that sort of thing. I'm just glad that 24 didn't win, and that Dale Jr was in the top 10. Coulda, woulda, shoulda been in the Top 5, but hey, I'm happy with Top Ten.

I'd been staying at work getting a good deal of stuff done, and the good news is, extra work means extra pay. So, with some of it, I got a new grill for the house last week. Been busy as of late, so I put the thing together today too. Ah... it is my new baby. It's not all powerful or anything, but it's my nice stainless steel little baby, with a nice sized sideburner and able to hold 35 hamburgers. Bum likes.

What else... the garage looks clean...and I won some items off of eBay. I think a few more items, and i've got a complete set. In another post, I'll go into more detail, but I up and updated an ad. Uh huh. Exactly. Wait for the next entry.

What else...spaghetti dinner, garlic bread, and brownies, topped off with Bud Light. All is good.

Other than that,...that's been this nice and quiet weekend. I've been having an urge to watch Pirates of the Caribbean again, so I just may have to do that this week.


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