
Keifer Sutherland's Show

There's this television series...
It's on the FOX network, I believe...
and it stars Keifer Sutherland.

There's this online chat place...
I've been on it since I was a freshman in college...
I've had friends from there for as long a time.

There's been a recent addition in my life...
I've learned to appreciate NASCAR...
and all three collided last night.

So someone goes into one of the rooms,
and then he says"24 is in the hizzouse".
Of course, this was the same time that the show, "24" came on.
But, after just watching the race on TV, the first thing that crossed my mind was:

"Fuck Jeff Gordon!"

and then it hit me.
The guy is prolly on of the last you'd catch watching a race.
And he was prolly watching the tv show.
And never in his mind ever thought a thing about #24, Jeff Gordon.

sad, but funny as hell.


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