

Posted by Hello

Cedia had this in her log, so I had to see who I would be. and, here're the results:
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You display a perfect fusion of heroism and compassion.
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I got an autographed picture today from Miss USA 2004, Shandi Finnessey. She looks pretty cute. :) The other side of her picture is a B/W that has that old 1940s classy look to her.

My planned sleeping early last night became sleep at 04:25 and see what happens next. The result...i was a lil bit sleepy today, and took a nap when I got home from work today. I'm still sleepy and just might turn in after this entry.

Still no rain, but it did start to get cloudy later in the day. I can only hope and pray for the folks in Florida...

Didn't get to talk with NutMeg, so I have no idea what music box to look for. I'll try my best to see if I can spot one for her. Hrm. In a few hours when I wake again, it'll be packing time. I usually pack long before a trip, but this one, I'm just taking things slow and casual. It's supposed to be cold there right now at 45 degrees F, and a lil bit on the rainy side. Real Fall weather, instead of what we have here...but no complaints.

Ok, more later. For now, ninight.


Blogger cedia said...

You need to catch up on lots of sleep being an insomniac.

Well, have an awesome time during your travel! Bon Voyage.

6:29 AM  

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