
quick and brief

ok guys,
gonna make this a really quick post because it's 1:47am, and i'm slowly developing a headache.

work was ok today. started doing evals, and i have one more to go. it's more fun doing evals. with BumPod keeping me company. And yeah, i reviewed what i typed and no song lyrics creeped in. ha ha. "And so-and-so performed well, delivering 24601 jean valjeans to the customer" he he heh. Yeah, I put some musicals in it...two to be exact. I still have Evita and Jesus Christ Superstar to put in, and i -was- going to, but Ma had me looking at stuff on eBay. I swear, she's an ebay addict waiting to happen. so, i told her, no, you won't start an ebay account. She's good though cuz i showed her just how bad eBay can be. not all people are honest there.

Work was pretty nice today, BumPod was playing (and my headache right now is getting worse.) Today was Big Ern and Megan's last day at work. Bittersweet. More bitter than sweet. Actually...not sweet at all. I hope they both find better places. I'm crossing my fingers.

Happy Hour started at 4pm for some, but for me, it didn't start til after 6-ish. Got there, started it off with the usual bottle of Bud Light. Gotta support Budweiser and Dale Jr, right? Met up with K-Dub, Player, Pepe, J, Mike, Ambs, and Jodizzle...and then a few more folks came by. Cindy came by after her workout, and she hooked me up with my Crown and Coke. We ended up playing a game of darts. Ok, so it was a lopsided victory...something like... Bum: 276, Cindy: 15. Poor Cindy, she forgot Crown and Coke is like... good kryptonite. It was also Jake's bday, and he was joined by Pink Tiger. So, the darts game being over, Cindy and I went back to socialize with the rest of the folks. Stopped by for a bite to eat across the street, then came back. my last item was a four horseman shot, while the others did car bombs and whatever else. Finally left there at around 11pm, Amanda and Pariah were there too, along with Sands. I actually behaved. heh.

So, here I am, 1:58am, headache isn't so bad, as in not getting any worse, but frickin A...
and I didn't get to add anything new to BumPod. I'll prolly just wake up early tomorrow and try. who knows.

I got an email tonight, and it made me smile. :)
Silly smile, really, but a smile all the same. Right now, it's just a smirk cuz of the headache, but hey, it's all good, and it'll prolly come back as a smile when I wake up and go to work in a few hours. and yeah, lame as it sounds, i do check work email, even at 2am. sometimes until 3am, depending on my mood...and insomniac ways.

ok. gonna go toothbrush, sleep, and then head on to work. in about 6 or so hours. fun fun.

ninight. :) [the pre-emptive smile when i wake up. hee hee]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

morry's was fun...i like how you colored jake's name. very cute. amber is a drinking monster. mad props to her, mad props.

9:35 PM  

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