
Mighty Morphine Power Rangers

So.... I was on the Sideshow Collector's chatroom, and we were discussing stuff from Lord of the Rings to what we had to do Monday (after someone mentioned a bar was open 24 hrs nearby)...

And then, I threw out the topic of...

Sauron versus Godzilla, with help from Mothra and the Turtle thingie.
Everyone picked Godzilla.

Then I threw out, Sauron versus the Mighty Morphin(e) Power Rangers.
Again, Sauron lost.

And then we, as mostly guys, veered to the Asian chick ranger. mmMmmm
which then veered onto the Pink Ranger... very nice...
Amy Jo Johnson....

and then, as part of the forum also looked on IMDB... i made a startling 'discovery'.

Blatant racism.

The Red Ranger was part Native American.
The Black Ranger was black.
The original Yellow Ranger was asian.
The Pink Ranger was a caucasian female.
The White Ranger was... white.
The Blue Ranger was ..a geek. hmm. blue balls.

The Green Ranger... became white ranger... then red ranger... then black dino ranger...
multiple personality ranger.

Just... weird.

I still say Voltron was so much better, and they were animated.


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