
Current Sideshow

Sideshow collectibles puts out some of the best collectibles out there. From movie replicas to scaled figures, they just kick all ass. These two are Blackbeard (Edward Teach) and a soldier from the Revolutionary War, Delaware Regiment. I'm waiting for January to roll around because they're putting out an awesome George Washington figure. When that comes out, I'll be sure to put it next to the Revolutionary Soldier.

They also put out Scarface. Now, you think, sure, Scarface was a violent movie and everyone says they've seen it and it 'changed them'. Hrm. I saw it when I was 6 years old. Ha ha, and so you who know can understand why I turned out the way I did. Maybe. He's got a sound chip and actually says phrases from the movie direct as Al Pacino. Sideshow put out two versions, regular and exclusive. Though both versions are not exactly for kids, the exclusive version had three extra phrases. I was 'lucky' enough to get one of the exclusive version. The only 'con' I could find about this figure (pardon the pun), was that he doesn't say "Say hello to my little friend". But, all the same...awesome. He comes with a firearm, 5 stacks of 20s, and a switchblade. How cool is the detail? If you look at EACH individual $20 bill in the stacks... they look pretty darn good in detail. And I'm saying each individual bill is detailed.

Closeup of Scarface with Snoop.


And, a little touch up work... :)


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