10 yrs down the road

I'm sure there've been times when you say to yourself,
oh so many years down the road, this is where I see myself...
or this is where I want to see myself...
Sometimes, it happens that way.
Sometimes, it just takes a little longer getting there.
Sometimes, it just says Fuck You.
If you're like me, sometimes, you say Fuck You back.
and then laugh it off.
Darth Vader said that the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force. Well, I say the ability to look back on the past, and either accept it, or just smile is just as powerful. And instead of saying Fuck You, I'm saying Eh, Fuck It.
Aside from just watching Napoleon Dynamite, I got to say hey to an old friend tonight.
Time flies like a muth'fuck cuz it's actually been a lil over 10 yrs since we'd started talking.
So tie this shit together between Napoleon and the friend before I have to say "but I found five dollars..."...
"Don't worry Napoleon, there's a babe out there for you somewhere. Peace out. " Yeah, well, this wasn't the time or place.
Freshman in school...never knew jack shit about the internet... I'd heard all the lingo about Mozilla... IRC... e-mail. E-mail. I'm like...wtf is that? But I get a free account from school? Awesome. So there it was, September 1994. Paul had helped me get a school email account, and then got me an account on this chat place in Iowa. At the time, it was one of the biggest chatroom thingies in the world, I think. I mean, there were times you'd have to wait minutes just to get a chance to hop on. I'd made a good number of friends from there, some I still talk with to this very day. Funny how you lose track of time, not just when you're on there, but more now in the sense that many years had passed.
I'd met a girl there we'll call Di. Di was a few months older than me, was pretty cool... yadda yadda. I still can't believe it's been 10 years... Anyway,... i talked to our mutual friend tonight... she's still married and now with 3 kids. It's kind of too late by now, in the sense that some ghosts of the past should remain ghosts, but somewhere deep down, when i revisit the year i rarely choose to revisit, i want to say hi to her, and say i'm so glad that she's where she is in life and is happy. No. No Fuck You's to say to life here. Just someone 10 years older down the road, saying, Eh, Fuck It. and smiling.
Memories.. ::sighs:: it's a wonderful thing.
btw, that picture is great!
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