
2004 in review, 2005 with initial thoughts

Usually, when I go for long drives,... or even short drives, and I don't have the CD player on, I stop and just think. About any and everything, really. I got to thinking about 2005, and how once a year, I try to improve on something, or rather, a good number of things about myself... learn a bit more and what not. I say more than one because realistically, if I stick with one, and not make it, it'll be disappointing. But with multiple objectives, I'm bound to get one or a few down.

2004, I did go out a bit more. And in the latter half, I've become a bit more random, and in doing so...stayed even more the same. Funny, but true. I've made new friends this year. They're really a great set of friends, and each individual has several characteristics that set them apart from the others, but when put together, an even more awesome combo. I've picked up some new habits...but also rekindled some old ones...not so good, as of late, i've been good again. Work has been fun and productive. I used to bitch and complain, almost to the point of being outspoken because our group at work has been known to pull miracles out of our asses and deliver, day in and day out, time and time again... and yet never get recognized for our efforts. However, other groups seemed to get the attention more. The main reason was we're day to day sustaining operations, while the others are more 'exciting'. This year, our group started getting more recognized, ... but the irony is, the one who complained the most ... got a good deal of the recognition... i.e. they know how to shut me up. ;) I've got this blog... never thought I'd be faithful to a journal of any sort, but so far, i'd been good to this one. What I can't or don't always voice out, I can type.

Spiritually, as much as i can be sacrilegious, i have had some enlightenment this year. Aside from experiencing another religion firsthand for a night, i've relied a good deal on faith. I believe that there is a line differentiating faith and religion.

Politically, the country was at odds with who to pick and why. I started the year being Pro GW. Yes, he was my governor. Yes, he was my President. But as the war waged on, I didn't know what was best. During a business trip in Switzerland, the officials I had lunch with asked, who would I vote for? I gave them my smile, and so they said to forget the fact that most Europeans were anti-GW. Well,... My response was this. With Kerry, would we be better off? With Bush, could we be worse off? In the end, I picked the one I felt had conviction. Brash, yes, but I'd rather stand by someone who would stand on what they believed in, not what they doubted. Sure, this will spark some differentiating views, and I'm not saying I'm right. But that's just what I believed. Let's see how it all unfolds in the coming years. .. and pray for a better world.

2004 was filled with great joy. I summarize it as "Content". I went and visited Europe for my birthday as well. The best birthday I've had in years. I hadn't looked forward to it since 1995... it was a wonderful feeling.

With a new year... 2005... I can only hope it will be as good or better than this year. We all do for our own reasons. I've got a few items as resolutions... like I said earlier. I'll be honest. I have yet to feel comfortable in my own skin. I mean, I can have fun and have no shame when it comes to some things, but with other situations, it's not always as easy. Not having a great self-esteem when it comes to personal life doesn't help, but each year, it has gotten better. I hope 2005 will help build on that.

So yeah, like...2005... i've got hopes and dreams for you, as with the previous years. Don't let me down, cuz I won't let you down. ..

Bring it.


Blogger cedia said...

Great post. I'm gonna plagarise ya.

Drives are good for thinking. I used to get it all the time until I finished school. They're good for the soul and spirit.

Out with the unwanted old and in with the new. Happy New Years 2005, Bum!

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


have at it, Ced.

Drives are fun and therapeutic that way.
Yep...in with the new 2005.

Stay warm, Ced, and Happy 2005!

12:01 AM  
Blogger Bum said...

And i'm a dumbass again for commenting anon. ;)

12:03 AM  

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