
X-Mas List Item - 11/22/04

Dear Santa,
I know I haven't been a saint,
and I know I ask for a lot of unattainable (in my opinion at times) wishes,
which is why I sometimes lose a lil faith in wishing...
but not really cuz i end up wishing at a fountain, a star, or an occasion anyways,....

i digress.

Since long term gratification isn't so imminent right now,
how's this for instant gratification...

Santa, here's an item on my list:

Santa was a pirate.
Holdin' the bag of loot over his shoulder, shoutin' (yo) ho, ho ho,
with that funky pirate hat.

Pirate Santa.... heh. awesome.

So yeah. an item for my list.


Blogger cedia said...

Nice baby. Only $99! Wow... ::googly eyes::

9:14 PM  

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