
One final note for Nov 14, 2004

I was on my way out to toothbrush and get ready to sleep, when I thought, eh, how do the people who somehow end up on my blogspot. Well, some are referred by folks who actaully have linked me to their pages (MUCH love to you), while some just get bored and click the [Next Blog] thingie and wonder what they'll get.

But tonight, the reason I decided to post before sleeping...again...
heh. Apparently, someone was looking up Karen McDougal, the playboy playmate on yahoo search... using the keywords Karen McDougal and grind. Just so happened I used 'grind' in the context of the daily grind. Heh. Guy (or gal) prolly thought upon getting to the site... WTF?

Heh. Man, I'm easily amused. So there you have it. Final note for Nov 14, 2004. I'm still sick. Fuckin' A. I hate this feeling. Heh. But I got a hit from a yahoo search.


Blogger cedia said...

So from one programmer to another.. a really stupid question, mind you.. how do you know you get hits from there? Or how do you know that someone searched something and got you? I've always wanted to ask but felt so stupid asking it. ::sighs:: okay, all stupidity out in the open, so do tell.

7:09 PM  

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