
a break

If there were some things you could easily change about yourself, what would they be?

You know, the key word here is easily. I'm pretty content with the here and now about myself, i guess. The stuff i do wish i could change, it's not so easy. and even some in that list, as easy as it sounds, it's become so much of a habit that i'd have to break out of it.

and that's not as easy as it sounds.

one of the things i do, and a coworker actually pinned me on it, is that i tend to run scenarios in my head over a given situation, and then after conceiving every possible option, still somehow pick one that seems pessimistic. which sucks because otherwise, i'm optimistic. no. correct that. i'm extrovertly optimistic.

i could always use just a lil bit more patience, but that i can actually work on. don't get me wrong. it takes a good deal to get me, but there are some instances that just bypass that. but i guess that's just normal.

i don't know. this is the shit i get for not having a lot of sleep and not eating as much as of late. thinking is dangerous. :)


Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Easily changed? So you're not talking anesthesia and enhancement (or reduction, whatever the case may be) of certain body parts, huh? Ah well....

So you mean something that comes from within, right? More willpower would be nice....I haven't had too much of that lately.

5:06 AM  
Blogger Bum said...

Hi Stacy. :)
No, nothing like that. If I could be just a lil bit taller, awesome. But it's more of a willpower change or mental change more than anything.

So... no anethesia or anything.

9:03 AM  
Blogger cedia said...

Gosh... I'm perfect. I know after I said that I got an audience of haters. :)

I think it would be to have more patience. I get impatient with slow (physical and mental) people. Mental does not include the really mentally challenged, just the normal stupid people.

More patience and to talk slower and listen before I cut people off. Again that goes back to being impatient.

5:42 PM  
Blogger deanne said...

Hmm -- I think motivation would be my thing. There are tons of things I'd like to do, and yet, I can never work up the motivation to do them.

Thought From Left-field: Does anyone remember that song "I wish I was a little bit taller / I wish I was a baller"? This post just brought that to mind that's all!

11:57 AM  
Blogger Bum said...

yep. Skee-lo. :)

10:33 PM  

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