
Hello 2006

Come and gone.
Where does the time go?

A fleeting friend, one for our memories.
Some of us have made friends with 2005,
while others will only have heard of it.
Others never got to know 2005, and yet we reflect on them as well.

As 2005 came and went, so did some who were very dear to us.
As 2006 arrives, maybe we will have some new who will be dear to us.

2005 was a year of mixed emotions.
Happiness and joy,
Hope and peace,
Sadness and pain,
Loss and grief.

Normally typical of any year, but this past year was enhanced in the emotions and experiences which many of us experienced. From birthdays and weddings, to hurricanes and funerals...
2005 will be a year to remember, and may we never forget.

Good bye, dear old friend.
Welcome, dear new friend.

May you bring us hope and wonder, and less tragedy than we saw last year.
May there be some order, and happiness.


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