
a motley crew

ya know, it's been less than two months, and it seems a lil bit longer since I first met the motley crew of Beru, Nessa, 0028, Creech, Pordey, Hyarion, TC, Achteel, Dave, and.... of course... BuffyBot.

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geez. even in here. ha ha.
i know i called it like Cheers. ya walk in, folks are already there...

it's an alternate reality that is still part of this one.
different names, same personalities.

one has a fetish for soap.
one just seems like she can whup up on my ass.
one is pretty cool and is halfway around the world.
one is. cute.

reminds me when i first hopped on a place called ISCA.
11 years ago now...hard to believe. now, i rarely even go there.
but i made lots of friends there, through the years.
difference is, with this new Cheers, i guess it's just different cuz there's a common link.

a motley crew indeed.


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