
Motivation - Danger Mouse

earlier this week, when i was still running at least 90% capacity, we went and got new dvd releases... and there, they had Danger Mouse, Seasons 1/2 and 3/4. Now, yea, some of my childhood has come and gone, and some is always relived. Danger Mouse... is about to be relived.

That's right, Bishes... Danger Mouse. That pirate-looking secret agent that lived in a post-office box in London with Penfold as his faithful sideback battling the evil Baron Silas Greenback and HIS henchman Stiletto. All. on. DVD.

My ass loves to eat. Or rather, I love to eat and though some coworkers say they hate me for never gaining, i wear loose clothing, bishes. I mean..Jim. ha ha. No, really. and besides, I need to get a lil bit healthier.

Like... cutting back on coke. again. not by much, damnit! tiny steps here. I need my caffeine. And um... exercise. I haven't actively done so since last year, and that was when Pink Tiger, Big Ern, Pepe and I would go out jogging. I miss those times.

So, since that motivation is not there, i now have.... [dramatic music here] new motivation. I can treadmill AND watch episodes of Danger Mouse and lose track of time.

How cool is that?
Not much to the non-average geek, but it's Dangermouse, damnit. Now, if they'd ONLY bring back Voltron on DVD... and not the cheap crap selling on eBay. We're talking good quality DVDs with decent subtitles in non-broken english. Nothing worse than broken-engrish subtitles.

It's like.. what did that say???

Anyways... yes. Danger Mouse. on DVD.
when my sick and sore self gets better, it will be ON!



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