
sleep working

ok, so... i don't sleep at work...even with all the lack of sleep i have. no idea. how do i do it? i've been asked several times. i don't know. someone...a friend, said when i do that, a part of my soul dies. hmm... well, that's another story. as it is... today was a pretty cool day. t-shirt and jeans sort of day. unlike yesterday's tie and shirt day, i guess. not really too much to b-log about. aside from the inservice we attended.

sleep working. well, it was during an in-service meeting. sleep meeting. how weird. but oh so true. maybe if i -did- get to go to Sonic, i'd have stayed up 100% instead of the 95% while there.

hmm. finally got one piece of paperwork out of the way. it'd been an issue with me and a few others why it was even needed, but heh...it's all done. all finished, so ha ha ha (trans: Ja Ja ja!).

what else... eh. got a haircut. much shorter than earlier, but i still have highlights present. hrm. prolly by next month this time, no more highlights.

class was short tonight. long enough to get a syllabus and hear the instructor tell us several times that she did not really have much time to talk with us i.e. before or after class, so... yeah... it's gonna one of those classes...just do the work and get through the semester. i took a look at the other class, the internet one... shit, that fucker is complicated. took a while just to frickin get my account set up, now i have to figure out which are the practice quizzes and which are the ones that actually count. man, this semster's gonna be blah.

However... in the classroom class? there were a few cute girls...and not all of them were married... and there's a really nice ratio of 3 or 4 guys to 15 give or take a few girls. ah well. one can dream.

that's about it.


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