
it just happens that way

today was an ok day.
work wasn't too shabby. went to work, wore a long-sleeved shirt and a tie, and it was all good. the lab looks so much cleaner. Hails and Smiley kick much ass. The usual typing and signing ensued for the day, and more drawings to be done. Reviewed stuff, etc etc.

It also poured rain like a mofo. I mean,...not really heavy duty, but it did get torrential at some points. Prolly won't have to water the lawn for two days or so.

lunch was cool. went to jason's deli and about half of us got the chicken panini. and then followed by ice cream. Didn't go to Amy's ice cream after work, but one of these days i guess. i'm curious what the place holds. and i'm told really good ice cream. hmm... i've got flavors picked out as it is, just wondering if they'll have them on hand at that specific instant.

fall semester starts on tuesday for me, although it actually started last week. it'll be fun. i'm hoping. :) can't almost wait, really.

what else happened? not much else... not really. Pink Tiger would laugh. I put out my black light and turned on some songs....dance party. heh heh. ah well.

it was a cool day...and it just happened that way.


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