

2004. This yr was pretty cool.
10th yr High School reunion. Didn't go. heh. I'm a snob. *shrug* just didn't really feel it. I'd rather catch up with people I really wanted to versus the ones who still had their own clique that a number of us were never good enough for then.

Worked on a project with Lee, and it was cool enough that they awarded our group with a number of group awards, and gave me the privilege of being Employee of the Month for Lockheed Martin's SEAT Contract.

Although I'd met Pink Tiger earlier when she was still a co-op, it wasn't until this year that we became friends. Her, Big Ern, Pepe, and a cast of several others made this year really awesome. Work sent me to Switzerland for business, and it was a really cool experience.

A few weeks later, saw Vienna Teng before my birthday. I've got a list of Taiwanese women who I think are really cool and cute. Vienna is on that list. Tee hee.

A week after that, went to Greece and a few other parts of Europe for my 28th birthday. Just can't get any better than this.

and that for the most part, was 2004.


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