
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

You get privvy to info.
What do you do?

Does the information have the potential to hurt?
If so, would you still share it anyways?
What would be your motivation?
Personal gain or to put an end to some sort of injustice?
Correct a wrong?

It's not always easy, and there's sometimes not one answer that's "best fit".
That's what makes each person different. Not everyone will answer all the questions the same way, and at times, the answers chosen may have to hurt folks. But sometimes, even then, it's the truth, and the truth, no matter how deep you shove it down, how many rugs you push it under, it'll still come out. And if it's left to fester and wait... it'll be a lot worse when it's released.

It's not always easy to speak out...
But who said anything was ever easy?

Make things right.


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