
diary of an insomniac the day of 6.17.05

43 days later, i've been good still.
haven't had a cravin' for mint.
well, at least haven't succumbed to it.
That, and hearing about someone's lung collapsing and all that...
yeah... kinda makes you think, well... damn

got my GMP georgia state patrol mustang in the mail today.
completes my collection of those.
makes me wonder if i collect these things just to pass the time
and to compensate for whatever.
i know the answer to that.
anyways, the states are TX, GA, FL, CA, NY, and MI.

ok, so granted the computer calls it 6/18 now...
but i'm still on 6/17 time.
last email i got was 6/12.
i'd gotten a small hi, but not sure if that one counted
that was on 6/14.
i think it's time to release my hopes from their obligation.
too good to be true, really.
but again, high hopes have much farther to travel.

work was actually 'fulfilling', if i can call it that.
actually sat down, worked on some drawings, etc etc.

i haven't drawn in a while...
no, not work related stuff...just...to pass the time.
either i'm just lazy to start one,
or no motivation as to what to actually do.
but if something should kick in, i'll be sure to start a new drawing.

met up with KC for lunch today.
i'm so glad she made the drive down.
it's so strange to have her nearby town again.
like... it's all great and awesome, but it's like, wow, i can't believe it.

got my test grade back.
got a 93. not too bad, the studying helped out.
i'm a lil pissed cuz i know i answered the question right,
but if you scroll the mouse wrong, it actually changes your answer.
i coulda sworn i checked all my answers too.
ah well. 3 more exams, and lots of quizzes to go.
2 exams next week. that and some relatives will be in town.
cool beans, i reckon

catching up a lil bit with a friend of mine.
known her since at least 99.
wow. time flies.
i still have a picture of her from 5 yrs ago on my desk.

sent an email at work this week.
well, ok, so i send a lot of them, but this one was to an old HS classmate.
I was a senior when she was a freshman.
wow. 11 years ago.
anyways, i liked her but always figured she liked the popular guy in class.
not really sure, but some of the class later said she liked me.
last to know, huh? yeah, too late anyways. she started hanging out
with another group, and so.... yeah

6 yrs later, i saw her through a crowd at work. too much of a coincidence to see her,
so i figured it couldn't be her. but sure enough, yeah, it was.
saw her from time to time, and once again earlier this summer.
11 yrs later, sent her an email.
haven't heard back, but oh well.
too little too late, maybe.

watched Predator 2 tonight.
good grief. that's 90 mins i'll never have again.
sure, it fills in the gap, but for that purpose only.

not sure what else to include. that's really all about it.
just tired. long week. it's tiring trying to behave.
anyways. yeah.
not holding my breath anymore.


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