
On being: Gracefully Single

Today is Big Ern's Birthday. Next week, it'll be the Pink Tiger's. And after that, it'll be Sexy Bitch's. Oh, almost forgot. Big Ern = Baby Doll. Pepe = Sweetheart. Me? I got Sexy Bitch. These are Megs' nicknames for her 'boys'. She kept calling Big Ern Baby doll. Pepe got jealous and asked to be called Sweetheart. And I come in and wanted a name... Snookums wasn't gonna cut it. So end of story... I'm Megs' Sexy Bitch.

We decorated Big Ern's desk area, and being the cool person that he is, took it all in stride. The rest of the day was reports, visits, meetings, and other things.

But during the early morning, as I honestly was trying to get some headway on a report, I got a call, and it was related to love life. Normally, I don't mind, even at work. But I also have the slight problem of typing what I say. Last thing my report needs to say is "The vendor stated that with regards to testing procedures, he should just go fuck himself". Heh heh, as funny as it sounds, um...no. Not a good thing. So I requested that the talk be continued later. Much later. After work.

No. Calls and emails came on through. I flirt, but I don't have that many women in my life that I cycle through. Maybe it's bad...or not, that I lose track of one's lovelife as far as who one is seeing now. I can't even keep up with my own, or lack thereof.

Today, it was pretty stormy, so I left for home work instead of going about. Got home, took a nap, got a call that Dad got in a car accident so Mom and I went to pick him up. He's ok, just some damage to the truck. Some fucker decided to go on a red and hit Dad. Anyway, I get home, I get another call. I missed the previous one cuz I was still napping. I said sorry for missing the call, but I was napping. Now I just got home with my folks and am checking on them. Oh, sorry, hope he's ok. By the way, so-and-so is probably seeing my Ex. OK! That's nice! Let me check on my dad now!

As my coworker said, some folks just need to be gracefully single.
Personally, I know I can be a pain, but I'm trying to be graceful.


Blogger cedia said...

Idiot drivers like that need a reality check. I'm glad your dad is ok.

I, too, am a big flirt. I know. I know, I'm married. It's not wrong to tell men you appreciate their handsomeness.. so long as it's in words.

5:06 PM  

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