
Patience is a virtue (Rated R for language)

and lately, I find myself not being virtuous. Don't get me wrong, I've become a patient person as the years progress, but when it comes to driving... I have my limits.

I don't flip people off, and I don't like honking my horn unless it REALLY warrants it.
I have reduced the number of times I cuss out loud because someone can't drive properly
to when they almost hit me. I accept the fact that folks who are a bit older in years tend to drive slower, so I just wait for the next opportunity to switch lanes...

But I fucking swear, if you can NOT fucking multi-task where you can drive at LEAST the fucking speed limit, be it 35, 45, 55, 65, or whatever the fuck the sign says, AND talk on your piece of shit cellphone, then DON'T fuckin' talk and drive at the same fucking time. Either pull your ass over and talk to your heart's content, or hang the phone up and drive, bitch.

Now mind you, I can understand EVEN if you work from your car and DO have to dip a little below the speed limit...say 5 miles when the folks around us are driving say...10 miles per hour above the posted speed limit, I can still find some patience to do that.

However,....Jesus fuckin Christ, if you are laughing and just having a wonderfully great time on the phone with whomever, congratufrickinlations, butif the reason my vehicle is starting to look bigger in your rear-view mirror, it's because you have decided to slow down to the point where I am even with my slowing down, getting closer to your vehicle. This does NOT mean I am tailgating your ass. It means, MOVE, stupid fuck.

The fact that you look in your rear-view mirror, see me getting closer, assume that I am tailgating you, AND THEN SLOW DOWN EVEN MORE...

Dear God, why am I so tempted to punch out my Ten Commandments card and complete the set?

I feel better now. I've spoken my peace. I still have patience driving, but then again, I don't listen to Offspring's Bad Habit while driving. Anymore. Since 1996 or so. I prefer hiphop.


Blogger cedia said...

I know how you feel. Senior Citizens are also bad. Stay far away from them. I give ppl the evil stare. Idiots.

5:12 PM  

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