
When Come Back, Bring Pie.

Up and Down the Hallways Today
This morning started out with a weird page at 6:43am. Still no idea who bothered trying to page me, but ah well. The night before, finally reset my cell's voicemail. So far, it's still working.
We were supposed to have a test done today, but once again, that got postponed until next Monday. That left it to the usual meeting at 10am, followed by lunch. J-Love, J-Dubs, King Cobra and the lil lady and I went to lunch and did vietnamese food today. Slow day, and at the end of this week, just had to chill out and say 'F^ck it'. Pink Tiger and I ended up going for some starbucks as a break after taking care of some work.

After the day was said and done, went to the mall and got my hair highlighted. I hadn't done anything to my hair color wise since earlier this year, like in June or something. But that wasn't drastic. The last drastic hairchange was back in 1992/1993 for theatre when I dyed my hair permanent red. This new look looks pretty good, and I can't wait to show it off at work.
Always liked being a lil bit different than everyone else.

Jim's Last Day
Although I used to be a die-hard mallrat, I haven't really set much foot at the mall.
Some stores that I loved going to ar eno longer there, etc. Jim was one of the managers at KB Toys. basically, he's give me a heads up if anything I was looking for was coming in.
Today, I got the rare Nolan Ryan in Astros jersey figure. It looks pretty spiffy.

Is that all?
So I got my hair highlighted, went to KB...then decided, Eh, and went to River Oaks.
They were having a cd-listening party. Pretty cozy gathering. Everyone was pretty cool and laid back. I'd gone there to pick up their newest CD giveaway, and left with more than 1 cd, thanks to door prizes.

How Rare
My dear friend Erica called today and asked what I'd be doing within a given period of time. Eh, my schedule isn't too user friendly in the next few months, but as it is, I might accompany her to a wedding in Nov. I'm actually looking forward to that.

Simon says
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The closest of kin sometimes seem to be the furthest from knowing the real you. Remedy the situation now. Being completely comfortable in relationships makes you feel that all is well in the world. Laughter forms a lasting tie.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). There's no need for force events into your preconceived notion of what they should be. When you relax, what happens naturally is inspired and sometimes hilarious. Even tedious work is fun if you have the right attitude.

I'm gonna add Scorpio because I'm basically on the cusp. Quick temper, but quick to mellow out... Best of all worlds. And the outlook is better, everything else is.... eh.


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