
It's that time again???

It's become a ritual... every tuesday, it's bowling night. Maybe it's a release from the maddening crowd that is our work. Do they go for the idea of bringing this one bowling ball and driving it down and taking down as many as possible? Who knows?

I go bowling because I like the company. Funny, but it's the company that seems to make it worth while, right? You've got the usual cast of characters. "The Romancer", "Pink Tiger", "Burninate", to name a few. Although sometimes it gets downright serious, you don't need to have previous experience as a bowler. If you ask me, I think it's more fun to not just throw like you want some points, but to also get creative with your approach. The between-the-legs, the granny-shot, left-handed!!!, or, my favorite one as a spectator... the push-off (for lack of a better term)...

Rock and bowl... it's a great idea. And caters to the insomniac in me.

The funny thing about bowling late on Tuesday is that Wednesday, you never know what you're going to get. Caffeine-induced mornings lead to skipping up and down the halls of our building...
but then again, sometimes we do that for the hell of it.

Pretty much work things out. What's this entail? Well, on one hand, one group wants to approach things one way. Not exactly the best way of doing things, at that. On the other hand, there's the conscience folks who say, Whoa Nelly. Somehow, the happy medium and I play well with each other. Happy medium says, we can all get along. It'll just take a bit of settling down, talking, and getting everything out on the table. I guess everyone just wants to get heard, and as long as that happens, it usually ends up nicely. But even after much discussion, argument, pursuasion (my coworkers say schmoozing. Can I help it?) , even I needed a break, so I took a walk outside and watched the fish and the turtles in one of the ponds. Really relaxing, and just takes you away to some form of Neverland, even for just a little while.

Paperwork...they say something can't fly in space unless it's got its weight in paperwork. This is basically a true statement. Did that too. Tomorrow...well... ok... 7 hours from now, I'll be giving my first of two presentations. Nothing major. God I love it when that happens. The second one, well... that'll be fun. Let those games begin.

I've come to the realization that I can't do everything. Sure, I say the Serenity prayer at work often, but I've always tried to take on the optimistic view of everything. I still do, but 2 weeks ago, it hit me that there are times to let go. Just like the current song in the track of my mind is singing... "So let go, jump in, oh what are you waiting for? It's alright, 'cos theres beauty in the breakdown." That breakdown was much needed, and put things in perspective.

I don't know how the others see it... but I've got a firm belief that anything is possible. No is just a temporary setback. As Dan Brown said in Digital Fortress, Everything is possible, the impossible just takes longer. This is true, at least in my mind, when it comes to work.

Everything else is different.

Lunch consisted of going to the new Philly Cheesesteak place. Not too bad. Kinda crammed for seating space, but it actually wasn't bad. Now, if only the burrito place and Ben and Jerry's opened already....

That's today in a nutcase. Time to salvage 3 hours of sleep...requiem for the day, an insomniac's defeat at the hands of an unrelenting foe that is sleep. The moon was out bright tonight. It was beautiful.

Finally, today's horoscope (8/25/04):
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Being a winner at work is simple but not easy. Follow this formula, and you'll soon be in line for a higher position with more pay: Plan what you intend to do, execute concisely, and be relevant to the action at hand.


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