

i didn't go to my 10th high school reunion. this year, it's been 12 yrs since i've been out of high school, and 7 years since out of college. holy shit. 3 more years, and it's my 10th COLLEGE graduating class reunion.

I am a bit anti-social at times. not so much snobby, but just... blah. who knows if i attend the college one. like i said, i didn't go to the high school one. anyway, i was checking my other email and one of them was from reunion.com. i checked out if there were any updates... none. i'm not REALLY surprised, but then i started looking at the profiles of some o the folks there. i'm a cheap bastard who won't pay for this sort of thing, so i can only see the first few lines.

an old crush of mine from 7th-9th grade was married. another one i had known since 7th grade was married with two kids. yet another friend from 6th grade was married with 3 kids.

i was a lil surprised when this one girl I had a crush on in High School was still single. I highly doubt she'll ever find my blog, cuz i just doubt i made an impact on her. shit, i think outside of theater and a few other small groups, i knew a lot of folks, a lot of folks knew me, but that was about it. Anyway, so I came across Julie Essex's name, and I had the biggest crush on her. more in the sense of, she's out of my league. makes me wonder what she's up to nowadays.

some are teachers, some are engineers, some are neurosurgeons... man, time flies.
i never expected to be where i am today. happy go lucky, really. whatever happens, happens, and sooner or later, i accept it as a blessing and it was just meant to be. i mean, what if i picked the other decision, and then where would i be?

if i went to UT instead of A&M, would I have picked engineering? Would I have needed to learn a lesson in life? Would it have been inevitable, just in a different form? I don't really know...but for those who believe in parallel universes, there's no need to worry because regardless of what is here and now and in the past and soon to be, the what-if's also happened on other dimensions. right now, i'm working where i work, ding what i do, having the friends i have, and just living.

a lot could have happened in high school to change a lot of this. 12 yrs ago this year.

funny how you have mini reunions. some folks, i run into the mall or some stores or restaurants. others, you just meet them in passing. again, with an old crush... i was a senior in high school, she was a freshman. Sarah. i always figured she liked a friend of mine, Austin. then again, it seemed everyone did. Marlena too. i figured wrong. Sarah went off and got with Gene, and that ws 1994. fast forward to 2000, october, i'm walking with Annie and Raymond, and i see this face, distinct, and just like that, i wondered if it was Sarah. at work. of all places. i doubted it. but sure enough, it was her.

some folks, they usually respond back. Chris Travis did. Ditto with Marley. oddly enough, when i did say hi to Sarah, and by email... eerie coolness. no, no coolness as in cool beans, way cool coolness. i meant that... awkward handshake when years ago, nothing less than a hug.

funny how some reunions are smile-beaming, and others... just don't matter. again, time flies.
are we having fun?


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