
A Force of Rum

The following thread is from the collectors' forum...

How could you Josh!?! I thought Walker Texas Ranger was your favorite story. Norris must of saw your thread and emails. http://www.chucknorris.com/html/events.aspx

Well, Chuck pissed me off for the last time and so I had to get back some how.

Poooooor Chucky - dude, if he worked for Sideshow he'd have had a mental breakdown by now! Welcome to the "wild world of the internet" Chuck!

If Chuck Norris worked for Sideshow Collectibles, there would be no NEED to sell any other lines. They would only sell Chuck Norris figures and statues.

If Chuck Norris was in Lord of the Rings, he'd have thrown the One ring into the lava during the prologue. Real men don't wear rings, says Chuck Norris, as he calmly and quietly walks away.

All I know is, I learned my first vietnamese word from Chuck Norris' films."Brad-dock". I don't know what it means, but apparently it's Vietnamese for "Man who kicks your ass in dark green outfit with matching black headstrap". The evil colonel guy only said it so many times.

Last but not least, by the picture above, as shown on his website.... it would appear that Chuck Norris has a little of the Cap'n in him.

Chuck Norris and Captain Morgan.
A Force of One meets A Force of Rum.



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