
boxers and a t-shirt

bare essentials.

just enough to go on. that's my first thought.
then ya add a few other items, those you hold closest and dearest. what cannot be replaced, and must always be cherished. photos. my Bible. a few other items.

Galveston county has always been prepared for hurricanes for as long as I remember, and that dates even beyond 1983 when we stayed through a Cat 3 Alicia. Mom and I were talking last night, and she was surprised at how much detail I remembered from 22 years ago, some that she barely remembered.

Actually... i'm older now than when she was at that time. They just knew what to do, Mom and Dad. and now, we're here planning and preparing.

Katrina's got everyone spooked. what used to be a feeling of 'we can take most anything' to "awww crap".

it was a wake up call and a lesson learned, tragic as it is. but now, ya just need family, close friends, a thought or prayer in mind, depending on how religious or not you are, and a place to rest your head. that and boxers and a t-shirt to go sleep in. well, heh. yeah.

here to the rest of the folks cuz we're all on the same boat.


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