
rusted halo

"You da devil"
"with a halo"
"a rusty halo!"

ya know... this has got to be a constant purgatory.
i do good
i do bad
it's a balancing act

the fun but crazy part was gettin on those see saw thingies and standing right in the middle and just go left and right.

then ya get to the slides.
which are ok and all... but on a hot frickin day in Texas?
3rd degree burns cuz your ass was wearin shorts!

uh huh
and ya just HAD to climb up to the tall slide and slide down. man, i felt bad for the ones dumb enough to go face down. burned like hell, didn't it? sure nuff. another lesson. ya go up, you go down. c'est la vie.

and then there was the merry-go-round thing where ya hung onto dear life as you kept yelling FASTER! FASTER! and they spun the damn thing just like ya want it...and then it slows down
and then it stops
and your ass is dizzy

such is life.

life is a playground.

it sucks to go home.


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