
What Pirate Am I?

You are 44 %Treasurer, have 55% Seafairability, crave 52% Bloodlusting, and lust 60% in Wenchwanting!

As Edward Teach, or the infamous Blackbeard, you strike fear into the hearts of mortal men and wenches everywhere. Whether it be weaving explosive wicks into your beard so as look like a demon of hell, or directly sailing your galleon, the Queen Anne's Revenge, into ports of trade and opening fire on Royal barracks, you scared the living daylights out of sailors and landlubbers alike. One thing though, you were so wrapped up in killing, sailing, quaffing, and killing that you never got around to some proper plundering. While you certainly looked the part, you never actually had two dubloons to rub together to settle down with. You know, for when you stopped ripping peoples limbs from their bodies. Far be it for me to judge though, your fearsomeness! Arrrgghhhhhh!!!

You scored higher than 8% on Treasurer
You scored higher than 21% on Seafairability
You scored higher than 74% on Bloodlusting
You scored higher than 88% on Wenchwanting


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