
The one and only 12/21/04 and 12/22/04

ok, so 12/20, I started feeling the effects of being sick cuz I haven't been sleeping early. No surprise there. The stress I say I don't have due to the contract announcements is still there. And finally, the immune system also took a hit cuz of the cold weather lately.

Fuck. I missed out on the Hooters Calendar girls. Last year, I missed out cuz I said, Fuck it, I'll wait til next year. This year, I missed out cuz I wasn't feeling well. I left work, got home, and just before leaving with a camera, I said, if I leave, I'm gonna be worse off... so I went to sleep. Woke up enough to take meds, eat some soup, change, toothbrush, and back to sleep again.

Woke up the next morning (12/21), early, actually. Called in sick. Took my meds. Went back to sleep. Checked work email (WHY THE HELL DO I DO THAT?), sent some work email. Went back to sleep. Woke up, took meds. Pondered breakfast. Weakly smiled at the fact that granted I was sick, it does feel cool to wake up, spend the day in pajamas or whatever just like Rene described once in her blog, and then raided the kitchen and ate some cookies. Decided to lie down and watch Riddick. Yeah, i saw it in the theater and liked it, but i hadn't watched my dvd of it yet, so.... Considering I let Jim borrow it just after I bought it... i wanted to watch it too, damnit. So I did. Then I ate lunch. late, but still. Checked work email again. Sent a few work emails. Then sent my application to the new company. Yadda Yadda Yadda. Later that night, Vance had called but I missed it cuz I was too far away from my phone. He let Good Megan leave me a voicemail. Ah...good Megan. :)

12/22... woke up, Gave myself the mindset that I -was- going to work today... that i -was- going to submit those DCNs... that they -would- be approved TODAY, motherfucker, regardless... and somehow, managed to do just that. That was my main mission at work today. Ah, complete success. Today was also our two current co-ops' going-away luncheon. These two were very hard workers, and I am very proud of them. Before one left today, I was called aside and given a nice small bag, and we both smiled. In it, she gave me a nice coffee mug thingie, with the words:

"If you lead a good life, say your prayers, and go to church, when you die, you will go to TEXAS"

ah, she knows me too well. And her card was way cool. She said it was wonderful getting to know me, that I was helpful, and that she doubted she'd ever meet anyone with the same good taste in music. *warm smiles*

As for Sweet Megan (no, not Good Megan of BW3, but the one from work), I *heart* the s'mores maker. Ok, so I grinned evilly cuz of the fact it uses a sterno and I have a pyro streak in me. Just ask anyone who's seen my torch of a lighter. Shit, I should take a picture of it one day when it's full of butane. Anyway, *smiles* I *love* the s'mores maker. Now I just need to get some ingredients and sterno thingie, and awwww yeah.... it SHALL be on. or as we would tease Pepe... it WOULD be on.

Ok, so it's like 12:30 and I'm gonna TRY to sleep before 1am. For the 3rd straight night. Oh yeah...today, picked up King Arthur, Shaun of the Dead, The Punisher, The Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again, and The Professional on DVD. Couldn't help it on the last three...they were on sale at Best Buy today. Hopefully, I'll get to watch "3" on DVD in its entirety this weekend.


Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Hope you're feeling much better today, Bum...it really bites being sick...especially over the holidays.

(Loved Blue Collar Comedy Tour and I am dying to see King Arthur!!!)

4:26 AM  

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