

today, basically slept in. ha ha.

so i said i had been taking some meds... well, note to self. read the label. the one i had been taking had pseudoephederine. translation. KEEPS YOU UP AT NIGHT.

now, considering that i ALREADY stay up late... ha ha, this was not HELPING! heh heh. so, finally...now that that's figured out... hopefully I'll sleep before 02:00 tonight. I'd really like to get to work early today. haha. wishful thinking, right? all the same.

so today, i got up, ate brunch, and started cleaning around the house. I got some CDs that I could live without and gathered them so I can probably try trading them in at the mall. No promises, but hey, it's worth the try. Vacuumed a little bit and then called a friend and asked her out to coffee. Eh, she was cool with it, so I picked her up and went. Well, I'd have liked to go check out Kemah, but as it went from misty to drizzle, rain wasn't too far behind.

For those not used to how I describe Houston/Texas rain, whatever is the actual definition, kick it up a notch. A drizzle to you is maybe mist to us. Rain to you is drizzle to us. Torrential downpour to you is regular rain. God-forsaking rain to you is torrential to us.

So yeah, we zagged instead of zigged and stopped by the bookstore while getting coffee. I didn't realize she really liked books, so ha ha! I know what to get for her birthday. We'd compare notes on what we liked and didn't like, what we read and didn't, and heh heh... what she'd read and what i'd watched. Yeah, i know, i suck. She reads, I watch the movie/dvd. She reads a lot, I like pictures. Just kidding, I like to read too. Actually can't sleep unless I do. Makes ou wonder why I don't read more, huh?

My parents got me a picture Bible a LONG time ago. It's actually older than some of my coworkers. Scary thought. But hey, it did the job. I read the Bible, it put me to sleep, AND it had pictures.

Aftr going through the fiction sections, we were headed closer and closer to the coffee, and then... ha ha, she was kidnapped to the back and we read from the birthday book. got to learn more things, and vice versa. It actuall stemmed from her picking up an astrology book up front and ow it was not even close. So, I had to see how close the birthday book was. Not too shabby. Not precise, but it was closer.

Got coffee after chatting some more. and chatted some more during and after coffee. After that, took her back to her place and said goodnight. The drive home from there, we had some good amount of rain. Actually, it's still raining as I type this 4.5 hrs later.

She's great company, this friend. I tend to think a lot and worry with other folks, but i feel at ease just being myself here. Not saying anything, but it's just different. No complaints here. It's nice feeling like this now and then, this natural high, even if nothing comes of it. heh heh, i'm pseudoephedrined.


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