
Again, I say unto thee....

Lest it be forgotten...
If i ever dress up for RenFest, or shall we say, Rennaissance Festival,... I shall dress up as.... a king. No, not like King Henry the 8th (VIII) I am, I am.... and not as cool as the mo'f'n Burger King mascot dude whose commercials are so awesome, i crack up each time i see them....

Nay, instead, anon, I dost consider playing th part of a king... that of Elvis.

Quit giving me the "You have GOT to be sh!ttin' me" look. I'm serious.

Kings had crowns.
Elvis had jeweled sunglasses...and hella lot of rings.

Kings had jewelled robes.
Have you SEEN what Elvis wore? Yes. Jewelled AND sequined.

Kings had minstrels.
Screw that. Elvis could sing, hunka hunka, uh huh huh.

Kings had royal guards to protect their lily @sses.
Elvis did karate on stage, thank ya, thank ya very much.

Kings had royal robes. (see above)
Again, Elvis. -he- had robes. and jumpsuits. and whatever else.

I wonder how that would frickin work... Elvis in full red, white, and blue thunderbird sequin'd and jewelled jumpsuit, jewelled sunglasses and all... next to King Henry the 8th (VIII) in a duel.

ha ha.



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